martes, 19 de junio de 2012

My favorite website!!

Hello everybody today I will write about  my favourite website.. really, I dont have a favorite web site but if I have to choose between many sites I will choose  "Youtube" , this is a website where you can upload and share videos with everybody.. this website is very popular because you can find many videos about all you want or need, for example music, the chapters of your favorite series,trailers, funny videos, etc
I have used this website for 4 or 5 years I remember that the first video that I saw in youtube was about my favorite series "Dragon ball" .. well youtube have many tools and sections, some of these are channels,playlist, subscribers, and some categories as "the most viewed", animals and pets, games, film and animation, sports and others..

Channels: channel is your principal page  to organize videos on YouTube, is the place to host the videos you upload, your favorite videos and movies you have organized (Playlists). also you can customize your channel as you want.

Playlist: with this tools ,you can create a playlist with your favorite videos and then  you can save it for playback later, also, you can send it to your friends.
I visit youtube all the time,everyday ...I like it because in this website I can see and hear the videos of my favorite songs, see funny videos when I'm sad, sing karaoke, also see videos about animals and anything that I like.. I think youtube is a complete site and you can use it for many different things, just depends on what you need or want!!

click to go to youtube:

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Australia...The perfect destiny!!

Hello everybody. today I will speak about a country I would like to visit.  I´ve always wanted travel to Australia because I think it´s a beautiful country, and in this country live many interesting species of animals that I would like to know. also I want travel to Australia because its beaches are beautiful and these are perfect to surf.
I don´t really know much about Australia , only know that is a country very big located on the continent of oceania, and in this country live many inmigrants and so , Australia  is a country with  diferent cultures. also I know that the australian customs are very different respect  of us and their typical food  is the "pot roast" (carne asada).
if I go there some day.. the first thing  I would do is to meet the kangaroo and the tasmanian devil. I think that these animals are amazing.. second.. I would eat some of their typical food , then.. I would travel to around Australia , specially I would want go to sydney (like nemo´s father) and finally I would do surf in some of their beach.
One of my dreams , always been live and work in Australia, I would like so much  working like veterinarian, helping in the conservation of tasmanian devil.
 hope someday I can to travel to australia and do all things I want!!

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

My favorite dog breeds

Hello everybody. today I will speak about dog breeds that I like... first I would like said that I haven´t  a favorite dog breeds but  if I have to choose I would say that my favorite dog breeds are siberian husky and shar-pei..  You may be thinking that these two dog breeds are very diferent  and you have reason hahaha! but I think that all dogs have something that makes them special.

Here my siberian husky named Siber :)
well. I like the siberian husky because I have a siberian husky in my house , I have it since 11 years old  , its name is "Siber" and it´s very intelligent and can do many tricks. 
The Siberians husky are dogs that come from Siberia (russia) , these dogs are large and It can change their hair depending on where it live , from short hair to shorter hair. The Siberian husky can have different colors (red, brown, tan, blond, white, gray and black), these dogs are robust and have a great resemblance to the gray wolf, his eyes are light blue color, about its custom the Siberian husky is a dog very friendly, helpful Although it´s also a little stubborn, proud and independent.

The second  breed that I like is the Shar-pei  because it´s strange breed and these dogs are good stewards
The shar-pei are dogs that come from China. When it´s puppies its skin have many wrinkles but when it grow this wrinkles start to disappear (except the face, neck and head).the shar-pei dogs are very calm and independent, but when they are puppies can be very naughty. it´s usually medium size and may have different colors... now, I like so much the shar-pei maybe one day  I have a shar-pei as my pet.

miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Old days!!

Hello!!. today I will talk about a picture I like.. when I was in the high school I enjoyed stay with my friends after of classes, often did we go to a park  that was near my school and spent the afternoon talking and joking..  This picture was taken by a friend named bryan (for this, he didn´t appear in the picture) in october 2010, when I was finishing my high school..I like this picture because it reminds me  those days with my friends, where the time was not important. and  we laughed all time ..
well.. In This picture I look happy with my friends in one day in the afternoon after school, laughing and enjoying the free time, I remember that day ..before taking the picture, we went eat  " big hotdogs" at the  hotdogs factory ( in Gorbea street) and then  we went  to the park to rest... today, I don´t see often to my friends, but every summer and winter holidays we make a trip to the beach and we return to enjoy just like old times.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Why do I want to be a Vet?

Hello everybody.. today I will talk about how I decided to be a vet.... when I was a child  I dreamed to be a "doctor of puppies" , always I liked the animals and I knew that when I grew I would study something related  with the animals.
when I grew I realized that existed many options jobs and I began to doubt  about what I wanted to be, I thought to be a counter but I realized that I was really bad at math then I thought to be teacher but I dont have enough patience to teach but finally  I realized that my destiny was be a veterinarian, because care for animals was what really make me happy, I know it when I began to breed little parrots and  they got sick and I was trying to heal them.
finally I decided to study veterinary medicine at the University of Chile and until now I had a good experience, I really enjoyed these two years in the faculty, I met good friends and I think was not wrong in the career that I chose because these years have been the best that I had in my life.
when I finished my career I would like work with exotics animals or wild animal,  be like "Steve Irwin" or "Lucho Andaur" but my way something like... Mauricio "The Breeder birds "  :) hahahah!...also travel around the world and meet many animals.
 I think if make me choose again between  many professions , I would choose again be a vet...

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

The dolphin ¡An intelligent animal!

Hello everybody!, today I will talk about my favourite animal. the dolphin!! I like it because is an animals very intelligent, friendly and beautiful.
The Dolphin is an aquatic mammal that live in large herds, in all oceans of the world. Something strange in the behavior of the dolphins is that never sleep, to rest them decrease their activity, float and let stand its vent, this is known as "torpor" (letargo in spanish).
The Dolphin feed consists of little fish, octopus and squid. They capture their prey, swimming around them, forming bubbles to prevent escape and then capture .
The dolphin´s body is large and has two pectoral fins and one dorsal fins, also has a powerful tail with which they can swim very faster (around 45 kilometers for hour) and also they can do some tricks, for example stand on the tail!! , also they have a hole on the head to breathe when they out to the sea surface.
I like in generally the aquatic animals and one of my dreams would be to dive with a dolphin and know their habitat under the sea.  

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

What I Think?

Hello!! today I will answer some question about different topic.

 1.- What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

 I think that the exotic pets are very interesting  because it have amazing colors and shapes, also exist different kind of exotic animals... this characteristics make them attractives as pets.. but I think  that to be owner of a exotic pet, we must have the knowledges about of their food, habitat and lifestyle.

2.- What is your opinion about violence on television?

The TV is a medium of mass communication, for this I think the TV has an important function in the education of the people. then! if in the television show us scenes of violence (most of the time) is likely that the persons , especifically the children, think that the violence is some normal in the daily life.

3.- What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I think that legalize the marijuana would be a good idea, because the people could smoking it safely and licit .Also, there is licit drugs more dangerous than marijuana, such as the cigarette.

4.- What is your opinion about  climate change?

The climate in the last years has changed a lot, due to "Global Warming" , caused by humans. for this , I think that is important that we reverse this problem, environment decontaminating, using renewable energies and changing people´s thinking about environmental care.

5.- What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I am agree with the legalizing therapeutic abortion in those cases that baby come with serious physical problem, because this gives the mother the opportunity to choose if they want have to or not the baby.

martes, 24 de abril de 2012

My Cellphone

Hello!!... I use technology to everything and everywhere, I like the technology because it make me more easy the life..well, today I will talk about my favorite piece of technology. I use diferent piece of technology, but the piece of technology that I like the most is my Cellphone, I got it 1 year ago , but I would like to change my cellphone for a newer model.. I use my cellphone for almost all, I use it , for listen music, to call my friends and my family, to surf the internet,to see videos and to record videos, to take photos and  other things...I  use my cellphone all day because I bring it with me all time in my pockets or in my backpack. I like it because is it small, light and I can bring it with me everywhere , also  I can listen music wherever I go, also I like it because I can surf the internet and the most important is that I can call who I want.. sometime, I think.. what would I do if  I lost my cellphone?... maybe my life would be more relaxing and I could put more attention in class hahahahha!!!.. but, also my days would be more boring...I think that I could not live without my cellphone... 

miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

My favorite artist

hello!!.. today I will talk about my favorite artist or musician, but before I would like say that I listen all kind of music in my free time like raggae, electronic music, romantic music, etc.. well, actually my favorite musician is David Guetta , he was born in 1967 in Paris, France. He is a famous DJ and record producer. The kind of music that he mix is electronic music specifically music "house".
I like David Guetta  because his music is very energetic (make me feel happy.) and his songs are very catchy,    also his songs are good to dance in parties.
I like the most of the songs of  David Guetta, but specially I like so much "Where Them Girls At" because this song is very cheerful and I enjoy dance this song in the parties.
finally here you can see the video of this song so funny.. I hope that you enjoy it!!

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Who am I ?

Hello, my name is Mauricio Anticoi Urzúa, I was born on February 24th, 1993 in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school, I studied at colegio "La Salle"  in La Granja . Later, I  complete my high school at Internado Nacional Barros Arana, located in Quinta Normal.

Actually , I am student of veterinary medicine at Antumapu faculty in Universidad de Chile. This is my second years in the faculty and I am very happy , because I am studying what I like.

I live with my mother ,my brother and my sister, in my house, located in Peñaflor. I have two brothers and one sister, but I live only with two of them. my eldest brother is married and my other brother is studying architecture and my sister was graduate of nurse one year ago.

In my free time I enjoy go to the party with my friends  and also I make craftworks like bracelet  and collars.... I loves the animals in specially the birds and for this I am dedicated to breeding birds.
Finally..I dream with travel to Australia and live there, to save the Tasmanian devil and others marsupials in danger of extinction.