jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

What I Think?

Hello!! today I will answer some question about different topic.

 1.- What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

 I think that the exotic pets are very interesting  because it have amazing colors and shapes, also exist different kind of exotic animals... this characteristics make them attractives as pets.. but I think  that to be owner of a exotic pet, we must have the knowledges about of their food, habitat and lifestyle.

2.- What is your opinion about violence on television?

The TV is a medium of mass communication, for this I think the TV has an important function in the education of the people. then! if in the television show us scenes of violence (most of the time) is likely that the persons , especifically the children, think that the violence is some normal in the daily life.

3.- What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I think that legalize the marijuana would be a good idea, because the people could smoking it safely and licit .Also, there is licit drugs more dangerous than marijuana, such as the cigarette.

4.- What is your opinion about  climate change?

The climate in the last years has changed a lot, due to "Global Warming" , caused by humans. for this , I think that is important that we reverse this problem, environment decontaminating, using renewable energies and changing people´s thinking about environmental care.

5.- What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I am agree with the legalizing therapeutic abortion in those cases that baby come with serious physical problem, because this gives the mother the opportunity to choose if they want have to or not the baby.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Mauri :)...I share your opinions. I talk about owning exotic pets, violence on television too.
    I see you tomorrow.

  2. hi mauri
    I agree with you opinion in this topic

  3. Hi mauricio, I think that whit the legalizing marijuana, all problems of smuggling will be disappearing.

  4. "I think that legalize the marijuana would be a good idea"
    What a great phrase! Great Mauro!

  5. Hi Mauri =)
    I don't think of the same way that you respect to climate changes, but you have all the reason about the abortion in some cases.
