miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Old days!!

Hello!!. today I will talk about a picture I like.. when I was in the high school I enjoyed stay with my friends after of classes, often did we go to a park  that was near my school and spent the afternoon talking and joking..  This picture was taken by a friend named bryan (for this, he didn´t appear in the picture) in october 2010, when I was finishing my high school..I like this picture because it reminds me  those days with my friends, where the time was not important. and  we laughed all time ..
well.. In This picture I look happy with my friends in one day in the afternoon after school, laughing and enjoying the free time, I remember that day ..before taking the picture, we went eat  " big hotdogs" at the  hotdogs factory ( in Gorbea street) and then  we went  to the park to rest... today, I don´t see often to my friends, but every summer and winter holidays we make a trip to the beach and we return to enjoy just like old times.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Why do I want to be a Vet?

Hello everybody.. today I will talk about how I decided to be a vet.... when I was a child  I dreamed to be a "doctor of puppies" , always I liked the animals and I knew that when I grew I would study something related  with the animals.
when I grew I realized that existed many options jobs and I began to doubt  about what I wanted to be, I thought to be a counter but I realized that I was really bad at math then I thought to be teacher but I dont have enough patience to teach but finally  I realized that my destiny was be a veterinarian, because care for animals was what really make me happy, I know it when I began to breed little parrots and  they got sick and I was trying to heal them.
finally I decided to study veterinary medicine at the University of Chile and until now I had a good experience, I really enjoyed these two years in the faculty, I met good friends and I think was not wrong in the career that I chose because these years have been the best that I had in my life.
when I finished my career I would like work with exotics animals or wild animal,  be like "Steve Irwin" or "Lucho Andaur" but my way something like... Mauricio "The Breeder birds "  :) hahahah!...also travel around the world and meet many animals.
 I think if make me choose again between  many professions , I would choose again be a vet...

martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

The dolphin ¡An intelligent animal!

Hello everybody!, today I will talk about my favourite animal. the dolphin!! I like it because is an animals very intelligent, friendly and beautiful.
The Dolphin is an aquatic mammal that live in large herds, in all oceans of the world. Something strange in the behavior of the dolphins is that never sleep, to rest them decrease their activity, float and let stand its vent, this is known as "torpor" (letargo in spanish).
The Dolphin feed consists of little fish, octopus and squid. They capture their prey, swimming around them, forming bubbles to prevent escape and then capture .
The dolphin´s body is large and has two pectoral fins and one dorsal fins, also has a powerful tail with which they can swim very faster (around 45 kilometers for hour) and also they can do some tricks, for example stand on the tail!! , also they have a hole on the head to breathe when they out to the sea surface.
I like in generally the aquatic animals and one of my dreams would be to dive with a dolphin and know their habitat under the sea.  

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

What I Think?

Hello!! today I will answer some question about different topic.

 1.- What is your opinion about owning an exotic pet?

 I think that the exotic pets are very interesting  because it have amazing colors and shapes, also exist different kind of exotic animals... this characteristics make them attractives as pets.. but I think  that to be owner of a exotic pet, we must have the knowledges about of their food, habitat and lifestyle.

2.- What is your opinion about violence on television?

The TV is a medium of mass communication, for this I think the TV has an important function in the education of the people. then! if in the television show us scenes of violence (most of the time) is likely that the persons , especifically the children, think that the violence is some normal in the daily life.

3.- What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I think that legalize the marijuana would be a good idea, because the people could smoking it safely and licit .Also, there is licit drugs more dangerous than marijuana, such as the cigarette.

4.- What is your opinion about  climate change?

The climate in the last years has changed a lot, due to "Global Warming" , caused by humans. for this , I think that is important that we reverse this problem, environment decontaminating, using renewable energies and changing people´s thinking about environmental care.

5.- What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I am agree with the legalizing therapeutic abortion in those cases that baby come with serious physical problem, because this gives the mother the opportunity to choose if they want have to or not the baby.