martes, 19 de junio de 2012

My favorite website!!

Hello everybody today I will write about  my favourite website.. really, I dont have a favorite web site but if I have to choose between many sites I will choose  "Youtube" , this is a website where you can upload and share videos with everybody.. this website is very popular because you can find many videos about all you want or need, for example music, the chapters of your favorite series,trailers, funny videos, etc
I have used this website for 4 or 5 years I remember that the first video that I saw in youtube was about my favorite series "Dragon ball" .. well youtube have many tools and sections, some of these are channels,playlist, subscribers, and some categories as "the most viewed", animals and pets, games, film and animation, sports and others..

Channels: channel is your principal page  to organize videos on YouTube, is the place to host the videos you upload, your favorite videos and movies you have organized (Playlists). also you can customize your channel as you want.

Playlist: with this tools ,you can create a playlist with your favorite videos and then  you can save it for playback later, also, you can send it to your friends.
I visit youtube all the time,everyday ...I like it because in this website I can see and hear the videos of my favorite songs, see funny videos when I'm sad, sing karaoke, also see videos about animals and anything that I like.. I think youtube is a complete site and you can use it for many different things, just depends on what you need or want!!

click to go to youtube:

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Australia...The perfect destiny!!

Hello everybody. today I will speak about a country I would like to visit.  I´ve always wanted travel to Australia because I think it´s a beautiful country, and in this country live many interesting species of animals that I would like to know. also I want travel to Australia because its beaches are beautiful and these are perfect to surf.
I don´t really know much about Australia , only know that is a country very big located on the continent of oceania, and in this country live many inmigrants and so , Australia  is a country with  diferent cultures. also I know that the australian customs are very different respect  of us and their typical food  is the "pot roast" (carne asada).
if I go there some day.. the first thing  I would do is to meet the kangaroo and the tasmanian devil. I think that these animals are amazing.. second.. I would eat some of their typical food , then.. I would travel to around Australia , specially I would want go to sydney (like nemo´s father) and finally I would do surf in some of their beach.
One of my dreams , always been live and work in Australia, I would like so much  working like veterinarian, helping in the conservation of tasmanian devil.
 hope someday I can to travel to australia and do all things I want!!

martes, 5 de junio de 2012

My favorite dog breeds

Hello everybody. today I will speak about dog breeds that I like... first I would like said that I haven´t  a favorite dog breeds but  if I have to choose I would say that my favorite dog breeds are siberian husky and shar-pei..  You may be thinking that these two dog breeds are very diferent  and you have reason hahaha! but I think that all dogs have something that makes them special.

Here my siberian husky named Siber :)
well. I like the siberian husky because I have a siberian husky in my house , I have it since 11 years old  , its name is "Siber" and it´s very intelligent and can do many tricks. 
The Siberians husky are dogs that come from Siberia (russia) , these dogs are large and It can change their hair depending on where it live , from short hair to shorter hair. The Siberian husky can have different colors (red, brown, tan, blond, white, gray and black), these dogs are robust and have a great resemblance to the gray wolf, his eyes are light blue color, about its custom the Siberian husky is a dog very friendly, helpful Although it´s also a little stubborn, proud and independent.

The second  breed that I like is the Shar-pei  because it´s strange breed and these dogs are good stewards
The shar-pei are dogs that come from China. When it´s puppies its skin have many wrinkles but when it grow this wrinkles start to disappear (except the face, neck and head).the shar-pei dogs are very calm and independent, but when they are puppies can be very naughty. it´s usually medium size and may have different colors... now, I like so much the shar-pei maybe one day  I have a shar-pei as my pet.